Academic Portfolio
Geolocation accuracy improvement for automobile in vibrant urban area
Basic Global Positioning System and Google Map APIs for better render of moving vehicles... Read More →
Home Security with Systematic Design in NI LabVIEW and NI DAQ devices
An Electronic Design Automation portfolio for residential alarm system using Graphical Programming and State Machine implementation in LABView for gas, smoke, motion sensors with ELVIS Board... Read More →
Soft-body Armor Analysis and Design for Law Enforcement
An extensive material science research of Aramid fiber chemical composition and manufacturing process, a.k.a. Kevlar® and bullet-proof vest technology following modern standard... Read More →
Learning Outcomes
Both RMIT University and SFSU have provided me a foundation of knowledge in academia as well as professional practices which should help me to fulfill my responsibilities when I graduate with an Electrical & Electronics degree.
But how do I actually demonstrate that I have acquired these knowledge, when not everything comes from a class?
This page allows me to explain and showcase the skills I have developed throughout my development as an engineer.
An ability to apply critical thinking in the design of engineering projects under consideration of situations can be encountered in real-life implementation.
Throughout the span of my education, I have utilized a multitude of electronic tools (mainly from National Instrument) from Graphical Programming Software, Measurement Tools and PCB machines, 3D printers and countless of simulation tools.
This allows me to develop solutions from different perspectives with a broad spectrum of engineering discipline.
Signal & Systems and Control Systems are where I learned MATLAB & Simulink, design and govern algorithm, filter from multiple approaches serving in Signal Processing domain, State Control for robotics. This later contributed greatly to the design process of digital filters for embedded systems in my Junior year projects.
Electronics Circuit and Electronics taught me Semiconductor physics and replicating Instrumental Operational Amplifier, building multi-stages Audio Filters with BJT, MOSFET. This later shined light into building an Electrocardiogram sensor and design Digital systems with such components.
Engineering Computing and Data Structures are about programming languages, program accountabilities and software development practice. Instead of utilize built-in libraries at the time, I was encouraged to develop on low-level, write my own library, work directly with the compiler which is the core of my minor focus in Embedded Systems.
A knowledge of contemporary issues and technologically current mindset.
The very first example of this is the fact that I’m writing this blogs with informational tutorials, reviews and being informed regarding new technology such as the Cloud Computing, Virtual Machine Tutorials with the shift from local development to Cloud Computing solving the lack of hardware resources issues and inconsistency when working in a team environment.
Not only that, many of other articles aiming the fast-paced changes of technology such as the GPS Accuracy Improvement Portfolio provided insight in Digitalized Monitoring, specifically improving the quality of geolocation tracking in real-time and serving a better transportation experience for urban area.
Also, the analysis of MQTT Communication Protocol for IoT devices as well as the Home Security Design Portfolio with IoT application designed using NI LabVIEW and utilized portable sensors and Data Acquisition devices. Or the Material Science aspect portfolio of the ubiquitous Kevlar® Bulletproof Vest Technology.
An application of systematic engineering synthesis and design processes.
EEET2505 & EEET2481 provided me an initiative to the world of Embedded Systems and later contributed remarkably to my minor focus. From introduction to Peripheral, Register, Memory Management with Arduino boards and AVR microcontrollers (ATMega328p, 2560MK, etc.) to fully functional embedded systems such as Nuvoton NUC140 ARM Cortex-M0 core, Cypress FM4 - S6E2CC ARM Cortex-M4, and briefly dealing with Floating-Points DSP using Texas Instrument LCDK - TMS320C6748 and OMAPL-138 boards.
Digital Systems Design and Electronic Design Automation Tools did an excellent jobs to bridge hardware to software and gave me valuable skills in engineering practice under different mindsets. For instance, the DSD course practiced with a cautious mindset when dealing with space, logic optimization and power management whereas, the Home Security Design Portfolio gave an extensive knowledge to work with a full-scale system from NI products, from idealization, prototype with software simulation to implement with actual data acquisition.
That is, I believe in automation and put an ease to the process of development and that is the main reason for many articles about Arduino Makefile working with AVR-GCC Compiler or the AVR Bootloader Tutorial to simplify the process of upload firmware to any ATmega microcontrollers.
An ability to apply advanced mathematics, techniques, and modeling frameworks necessary for engineering practice.
Mathematics 1 and Mathematics 2 are where I learned the basic from Linear Algebra, Differential/ Integral Calculus, Matrices to Analytical Theory, Statistics and Probability.
Mathematics for ECE taught me multivariable calculus, gradient by solving Maxwell’s Equation aiming to understand Electromagnetism and employ a multitude of DSP theories such as Laplace, Z transforms, Difference Equation.
Discrete Mathematical Structures gave me an extensive understanding in Data Structure and Algorithm domain, especially Permutation, Proof Techniques, Counting, Trees and Graph as well as software efficiency notations.
Not only so, with an understanding in programming multiple languages such as C, Python, R and MATLAB as well as working with a multitude of platform, I’m able to implement such mathematical problems using computer resources.
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility, professional use and management of information in multidisciplinary teams.
OENG1181 & EEET2485 taught me systematic approaches to the conduct and management of a team and teamwork principles, task delivery, communication channels that I still apply in professional environment. I also learned Research Methods for Engineering discipline and procured a research thesis about Computer Vision constraints and acceleration in Autonomous Driving where I discussed both trending and innovative solutions to hardware as well as software design.
Engineering Design 3A & 3B gave me the first opportunity to work under an industrial sponsorship where I generate data insights, milestones and evaluate the Commercial Positioning of the product, its impact in a Global and Societal context. I also got the chance to practice Corrective Action Preventive Action and support with Non-conformance Reports.
Throughout the course of learning, I have encountered a multitude of hardship when working with team members, and to be honest I don’t know how to spin this into an advantage. Nevertheless, we always have times after each course to reflect on all aspects of the team where I could learn from our own obstacles and mistakes. I did made a lot of them.
An ability to utilize fundamental knowledge and skills and engage to life-long learning.
Beside the fundamental Physics, Circuit Theory, Electrical Engineering Analysis, Engineering Design; I have always keep myself informed of multidisciplinary practices and strive to understand more
Network Fundamentals and Applications taught me basic foundation of how network and especially in computer communication as well as first hands-on experience on Server side. Most importantly, I have since then developed an interest and became comfortable to work in command line using flexible operating system with Linux Kernel.
Engineering Materials taught me about Material Science where it discussed Crystallinity, Stress-Strain relations, material constraint and properties, and later contributed profoundly when I wrote the Kevlar® Bulletproof Technology Portfolio.
Communication Engineering gave me an in-depth understanding of Electromagnetism in practice and different type of Transmission Media as well as Optical Characteristics.
Not only so, I keep myself motivated by learning online with MOOC courses from sites such as Coursera, EDx, Udemy etc.